Want the essential keys to YOUR healing? Read on!

In April 2015, I had a dream that would change my life forever. Right before I opened my eyes one morning, the words "lion healer" flashed across my mind.

"What could that mean?" I asked the almighty Google. One of the top listings was the Lionheart Institute of Energy Healing in Los Angeles. I saw they were holding a brief introductory workshop two weeks from then. I signed up.

Called "Essential Keys to Energy Healing," the workshop taught me some wondrous new ideas:

  • I had "energy hands" inside my physical hands that could induce a healing response in myself and others;
  • Our emotional issues get stuck in our body tissue (and when we heal the issue, we heal the tissue, and vice versa);
  • By grounding my energy every day, I could help keep myself in a state of optimal health and emotional balance.

After that, I wanted more than just the "essential keys." I was hooked.

During my two years of studying spiritual counseling and energy healing at Lionheart, I learned the deep connections among our biology, psychology, and energy fields. We are all energy – any physicist will tell you that. But what Lionheart taught me is that healing my emotional wounds starts in the body, by getting in relationship with that trapped energy.

Once I learned that, I reached a level of healing and happiness that I had not been able to achieve after years of conventional therapy.

After that, magic happened. My writing career is now gaining momentum in a way I could never have imagined before. I have a blossoming healing practice with clients I adore. And best of all: I finally opened up my heart to love, and met and married my soulmate.

When I remember that springtime dream two years ago, I think about how easy it would have been to ignore that sign, and totally miss my calling. But I don't believe we ever miss our callings: they are too urgent to ignore.

If your heart started beating in recognition as you were reading my story, maybe healing is your calling too. Or maybe you are simply curious to learn more about how you can be your own best agent for well-being in your life.

Good news! There is a brand-new "Essential Keys to Energy Healing" workshop being offered on Mon., November 13, in Los Angeles, and I am lucky to be on the teaching team. Joining me are other fantastic graduates of the Lionheart Institute, which is now called Healers Forum.

Space is limited, so I hope you will reserve your spot today!

Date: Monday, 11/13/17

Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Location: House of Intuition, 2237 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

More Info: Call 213.413.8300

Facilitated by Healers Forum energy healing practitioners —
Isabella Errico-Dossi BMC,MA, Lisa Lewis, BMC,MA
Tina Ji, EHC,MA, Christina McMahon, EHC,PhD

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Christina McMahon4 Comments