Join me live on June 19th!

FREE Webinar for Women:

"Sacred Love Attraction"


What is Sacred Love?

A sacred partnership is a healing relationship. Sacred partners "get" each other at the soul level, creating a nurturing space for each other to be vulnerable. Alongside passion, there is also a feeling of familiarity and fun. Your conversations are easy and inspiring, and when you hold each other, your bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces. You are a divine match for each other, sacred mirrors, and soulmates.

How do I get there?

By claiming your worthiness for love, getting intentional about finding it, and dating in a targeted way that feels fun and natural to you.

Join me!

You're invited to my free webinar for women on "Sacred Love Attraction." I will be sharing actionable tools for:

  • Owning your worthiness
  • Getting crystal-clear on what you want
  • Aligning with your vision
  • Getting targeted with dating

I KNOW this process works, because it worked for me! I manifested love at 40 after many years of struggling with dating. I'm now happily married to my soulmate, Darrin.

After this webinar, you will be on your path to deep transformation, and ultimately, soulmate love.


  • Monday, June 19th, 9-10 a.m. PST
  • Zoom video conference. To receive the conference link, please sign up with your name and email address below.
  • After the webinar, I will email the audio recording to everyone who has registered. So even if you can't join me live, sign up!

Don't worry, I will never share your email with anyone else!