Keep your love game on...

It’s the #1 question I’m getting from singles these days: “Now that we’re all on lockdown, how is dating or new love even possible?”

If you know my work on Insight Timer, or from following my blog, you know that I’m all about perspective shifts. And our current reality demands the biggest perspective shift yet from love seekers.

Those who make that shift will find that - contrary to popular belief - this is one of the most powerful times in history to find love.


Here are two big reasons why:

  1. It’s all about your inner game. When you’re going for your sacred partner, it’s not a “numbers game.” It’s about getting ready for them on the inside, then connecting to them on the soul level first. That’s what actually draws your sacred partner into your life, and it requires deep inner work: moving past your old stories and barriers to love, getting crystal-clear about what you want in a partner, and then using daily practices like visualization and belief-building to magnetize them to you. The more inner work you do, the higher the relationship you’ll call in. And what better time to do that inner prep than now?

  2. Building true intimacy with someone requires time. If you’re hearing that dating is “impossible” during quarantine, that’s simply not true, and it’s up to you to tune that out. People are still using dating apps and meeting for FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom video dates. And many groups on are now meeting virtually. When you do make a special connection with someone online, our current circumstances demand that you take it slow - which is a very good thing! Studies show that the longer a couple has to get to know each other before becoming physical, the higher the chances of success for a deep, lasting love relationship.

That’s the real truth - the odds are in your favor for love, even now. Lean into that perspective shift. It’s your path to love, even in this trying time for our planet (and bringing more love into this world is one of the best things for our planet right now!).

To support you in making this shift, I’m offering my “Opening to Sacred Love” online program at a deeply discounted rate while we are under quarantine. For a short time only, this life-changing, miracle-working program is available at 50% off the regular price.

In 7 online modules that you move through at your own pace, you’ll find all the tools you need to do the inner prep and outer steps necessary for making yourself magnetic to sacred love.

You’ll also get direct guidance on how to date in a targeted way for your sacred partner - including how to use your online dating profile and photo to draw worthy contenders into your field, how to show up as your most loving and radiant self for new encounters, and how to honor your “no” and your “yes” with dating to get to the relationship you want quicker.

Even if you’ve never done online dating before, this is the time to try it out. And if you haven’t had good experiences on the apps before, this is the time to trust that it can be different for you this time around.

Remember: dating apps are a servant, not a master. And once you master how to use them in a high vibrational way, those apps will be your faithful servant and bring worthy contenders straight to your inbox.

My “Opening to Sacred Love” online program will show you exactly how to do that. Just think of it as your built-in love coach during quarantine!

My online program also includes sections on how you can use the popular meditation app, Insight Timer, in an intentional way to connect to other conscious people who share your core values.

For a short time only, you can join my “Opening to Sacred Love” program at a dramatically reduced rate and access:

  • 7 online modules with audio recordings, written material, guided meditations (some of them exclusive to the program), videos, and daily practices for getting you on your soul’s authentic path to love

  • Valuable bonuses including a guided meditation I made with my own sacred partner, Darrin, which is super-vibration raising, a webinar that guides you through intuitional exercises for finding where to look for your sacred partner, and my exclusive “Playbook to Love,” a workbook of exercises to turbo-charge your love search

  • Membership in my private Facebook community, where you can receive instant support from me and other conscious singles on your path

  • A bonus 30-minute private call with me for personalized guidance (to use within 3 months of joining the program)

This powerful program has led countless conscious singles just like you to the love relationship they’ve always dreamed of. Will you be the next one?

While I normal offer this program for $247 from my website, you can join now for just $127, a full 50% off the regular rate.

This deep discount is unprecedented in the many years I’ve run my healing practice, and I won’t be offering it again. It’s my gift to you during this challenging time of mass quarantine.

If your soul is calling you to love, I hope that you will answer that call and join today. Yes, some doors may be closing during this time of lockdown. But so many windows are opening in their place, and this online program is one of them.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome message with a link to the program page and modules, as well as your unique password, so you can get started right away. Your welcome message will also tell you how to access my private Facebook community and how to schedule your 30-minute private call with me.

Here’s how to sign up. Can’t wait to welcome you on board!

With love,

Christina McMahon

Certified Counselor and Energy Healer

Featured relationship teacher on the Insight Timer meditation app

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for inspirational love messages!

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